Από τη θεωρία στην ηράξη: Κρίσεις, διαπιστώσεις και προσδοκίες των φοιτητων των παιδαγωγικών τμημάτων προσχολικής εκπαίδευσης κατά την πρακτική τους άσκηση. Η μελέτη μιας περίπτωσης

Καφένια Μπότσογλου (Kafenia Mpotsoglou)
School practice is a crucial part of the Curriculum in Teacher Education Departments. It can be viewed as a unique opportunity for the practicing educators to implement what they have learned in theory throughout their university years and, even more, to get acquainted with the professional reality of the educational work. The research presented, seeks to find out the students' views and beliefs on how well equipped they fell when they are required to practice in schools for the first time The data were collected using a custom made questionnaire, which was presented to the students of the 3rd year of the Department of Pre-School Education of the University of Thessaly, who teach for the first time. A major task of the research is to identify the «deficiencies» / «licks» in students' knowledge and skills as they realize them when they are in school practice, and to define the factors which encourage student's self-directed learning.
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