Η αλληλεπίδραση νηπιαγωγών-γονέων στον ελληνικό χώρο

Έλση Ντολιοπούλου (Elsi Ntoliopoulou)
Άλκηστις Κοντογιάννη (Alkistis Kontogianni)
Parent involvement in the kindergarten plays a vital role in the success of the educational process. Teachers of young children and parents, slowly but steadily, begin to realize that they are both responsible for the fulfillment of the educational goals of the kindergarten. Therefore we see, all
over the world, increased communication between the two parties and more parents offering materials, money, experience for the amelioration of the kindergarten and participating actively in the planning, materialization and evaluation of the educational programs in cooperation with teachers. From our personal experience we realized that in Greece as well, kindergarten teachers begin to collaborate more and more with parents. In order to find out the degree to which this is happening, we interviewed kindergarten teachers and asked them questions relevant to this subject. The results of this research are presented in the present study.
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