Group Teaching of Conservational Skills to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: An Intervention Programme

Published: May 9, 2019
Developmental disabilities Teaching conservational skills Group Intervention programme
Χριστίνα (Christina) Σ. Λάππα (Lappa)
Κωνσταντίνος (Constantinos) N. Μαντζίκος (Mantzikos)

The aim of the qualitative study was to provide training with regard to social exchanges and more specifically to teach conversational skills to seven adults with developmental disabilities (moderate or severe intellectual disability, Down syndrome, and autism with intellectual disability). The participants were formed into a group and were given images to discuss among themselves using questions and answers. A quasi-experimental baseline design was implemented which involved teaching using questions and images, return to the baseline and examination by withdrawing the initial training tools (images) in order to show whether the participants had acquired the skill. The intervention programme lasted two months. All seven participants started from zero and acquired the ability to participate in a conversation, in line with their potential. The training content and the structure given to this intervention increased the number of exchanges and gave them the opportunity —and a way— to socialise. As a result of this intervention, it has been shown that individuals with developmental disabilities can be taught conversational skills in a group setting.

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Author Biographies
Χριστίνα (Christina) Σ. Λάππα (Lappa), University of Thessaly; Department of Special Education; Volos; Greece; Hellenic Open University; Patras; Greece

Department of Special Education; PhD & Post-Doc in Special Education; Academic Tutor-Advisor of Hellenic Open University 

Κωνσταντίνος (Constantinos) N. Μαντζίκος (Mantzikos), Kindergarten of Vlachogianni; Elassona; Greece
Special Education Teacher
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