The notions of probable and fair in preschoolers through problem solving scenarios

Published: Dec 3, 2015
early childhood problem solving decision making probabilistic thinking notion of «fairness» perception scenarios uncertainty
Ζωή Νικηφορίδου
Τζένη Παγγέ
The notion of fairness characterizes the cognitive and moral, social development of children in early childhood. At the same time at this age children develop their probabilistic thinking and in precise acquire the ability to discriminate possible and impossible facts and estimate that an event is more probable to occur than another. The aim of this study is to investigate whether young children (N=40), aged 46, express the notion of “fairness” through probabilistic scenarios. Children were examined through 3 tests and were found to be able to estimate probable outcomes and attribute “fair” solutions. There is an attempt to link the development of decision making through the evaluation of probabilities and the development of moral thinking, especially the notion of “fairness”, with educational and methodological implications.
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