The discourse of health and education professionals on disability

Published: Oct 15, 2020
Disability Discourse analysis Health and Educational Professionals
Βασιλική Χουχούλη
Χριστίνα Αθανασιάδου
Ευγενία Γεωργάκα

Defining disability is a complex issue that has fuelled public debates between the scientific community and the representatives of organizations of people with disabilities. Within the above controversy, key persons are undoubtedly health and education professionals, who are responsible for the diagnosis, care and treatment of people with disabilities. The study aims to highlight the dominant discourses these professionals use when they talk about disability as well as the consequences these discourses have on their personal and professional lives. Overall, ten health and education professionals, working in different diagnostic, educational and rehabilitation centers for
disabled children in the wider region of Thessaloniki, were individually interviewed. Data analysis followed the qualitative method of post-structural discourse analysis. Three major discourses were found: the medical discourse, the humanitarian discourse and the stigmatization discourse. The above discourses have important implications (a) for the development of the participants’ professional identity and the way they manage the difficulties and rewards of their work, and (b) for the formation of the institutional practices on disability that are used within their work context.

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