Roma first school age children’s and their mothers’ beliefs about schooling and the importance of education: The case of Aghia Sophia settlement

Θεϊκό δώρο, 40Χ40, ελαιογραφία, Μ. Τσιβά, 2014
Published: Sep 30, 2016
Roma Aghia Sophia settlement children beliefs about education mother beliefs about education primary school
Ειρήνη Αλεξοπούλου
Ευθυμία Πεντέρη

This study is about first school age Roma children that live in Aghia Sophia settlement in Thessaloniki and their mothers’ beliefs about formal education and schooling.10 mothers and their 7-8 year-old children, which is the age that they usually enter formal schooling, were recruited using purposeful sampling processes. This age period was selected as these first experiences are determinant for the next school years, especially in case of Roma children and the relation that they and their parents develop with school. The semi-structured interviews took place in the families’ houses using an interview protocol that was developed in the base of the research purposes and the relative literature. Qualitative and quantitative content analysis was applied. Mothers and children’s  short-term expectations, the main fears and difficulties during schooling, the reasons for the school failure and non-attendance, but also the positive experiences combined with the expectations for the future were highlighted. Finally, suggestions to improve school experience are reported. 

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Author Biographies
Ειρήνη Αλεξοπούλου, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
MSc; School of Early Childhood Education
Ευθυμία Πεντέρη, Democritus University of Thrace
PhD; Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood
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