New evidence on the sculpture workshop of Samarina (late twelfth-early thirteenth century)

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Late 12th-early 13th century Peloponnese architectural sculpture
Γιώργος ΠΑΛΛΗΣ

The so-called Samarina workshop, to which high-quality works of architectural sculpture from monuments in the southern Peloponnese are attributed, dated to the late twelfth-early thirteenth century, is examined in the light of new data. Observations are made on its repertoire of decorative motifs, the principles that distinguish its composition, its stylistic traits, craftsmanship and techniques, as well as the chronological framework and geographical ambit of its activity are also discussed. Correlations are made with other groups of sculpture and the presence of the workshop in the production of mainland Greek sculpture in during the twelfth century is assessed overall.

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