Strengthening participatory practices in early childhood education: Transforming research knowledge into educational material

Published: Apr 30, 2024
children's participation educational material educational research teacher support early childhood education
Sofia Avgitidou
Sonia Lykomitrou
Vassiliki Alexiou
Maria Birbili
Maria Ampartzaki
Maria Kampeza
Kyriaki Velkou
Sevasti Theodosiou

Although children's participation is considered important in education, it is not common practice. However, there is a growing body of research on teachers' beliefs and practices regarding children's participation in education and a growing number of studies focusing on supporting teachers to enhance children's participation in the educational process. This article seeks to present the processes of transforming research knowledge into educational materials to support teachers in enhancing participatory practices in early childhood education. It draws on research studies on teachers' beliefs and practices regarding children's participation in education and the processes of enhancing their professional learning to show the necessity, objectives and content of educational materials. Future research could examine the results of teachers' use of this educational material to support children's participation in early childhood education.

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