Wisdom and Creativity in Gifted Students

Published: Sep 14, 2021
wisdom creativity leadership moral values gifted students
Ευαγγελία Καρανάνα
Όλγα Κόφα
Αλέξανδρος-Σταμάτιος Αντωνίου

Wisdom constitutes a key factor in determining an individual's value based decisions. Wisdom and creativity are positively correlated concepts since the right judgment with regard to the demanding problems of life entails a prerequisite degree of creative thinking. Given their advanced moral development and reasoning, gifted students are distinguished for their high levels of wisdom and creativity. At times, researchers have developed various education models for gifted students, focusing on the development of wisdom and the cultivation of moral values, with the ultimate goal of undertaking leadership roles. In parallel, appropriate teaching strategies have been designed with a view to enhancing gifted students’ creative and critical thinking. The primary goal of gifted education programs should be the moulding of wise and moral personalities empowered to face the challenges and moral dilemmas arising within the 21st century.

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