Social Interaction Coping Strategies of Gifted and Talented Students

Published: Sep 14, 2021
gifted and talented students coping strategies stigma self-concept
Αλέξανδρος-Σταμάτιος Αντωνίου
Ευτυχία Μητσοπούλου

Stereotypic views held by peers, teachers and parents of the gifted and talented students are very common and the fact that these children are different puts up many barriers in developing healthy social relationships. According to research, there have been many interpretations why this is emerging as a problem and quite a few attest that this is due to the stigma of giftedness and the deriving stereotypes, which, in turn, are connected to the self-concept of gifted children, since gifted children develop the sense of self through social interaction with peers. A large number of gifted students choose to use a variety of strategies in coping with peers, thus, regulating the information that concerns them. According to the “continuum of visibility” some gifted and talented children pursue maintaining their giftedness visible, while others decide on hiding it. Adjusting the amplitude of visibility sets the limits of social interaction ad libitum. Nevertheless, gifted children’s desire remains insatiable, that is, interacting with peers. Through this interaction several of their social and emotional needs will be met, which, due to their asynchronous development, remain unsatisfied.

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