Observations on the form of the diakonikon in the Middle and Late Bbyzantine period

Published: Nov 23, 2011
Middle Byzantine Late Byzantine and Post-Byzantine period Balkans Asia Minor architecture church building

This article examines certain peculiarities, imposed by liturgical needs, observed in the form of the diakonikon in churches of the Middle and Late Byzantine periods. In some cases these are minor variations which do not seriously affect the balance of the synthesis, while others they constitute major differentiations in the form of the parabemata, characteristic of the east part of churches. In some examples the diakonikon was not included in the design of the church. In a considerable number of Byzantine churches the space corresponding to the diakonikon communicated either only with the holy bema, in which case it served as a closed sacristy, or only with the naos, in which case it functioned as a parekklesion or was for proskynesis, since a cult icon for veneration was placed there.

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