Two palaeologan icons in Jerusalem

Published: Jan 11, 1999
Late Byzantine period 1300-1400 bilateral icons saint Gerasimos the Righteous of Jordan Crucifixion Patriarchate of Jerusalem Jerusalem

Two of the portable icons from the collection of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem are bilateral. The first icon has on its obverse side a repainted version of the Virgin holding the Christ while on its reverse side it depicts saint Gerasimos the Righteous of Jordan removing a thorn from a lion’s paw. The second one depicts the Virgin in the type of Hodegetria, which has also been repainted in the 17th century. The figure of the Virgin is flanked by the images of the Twelve Apostles and the Christ between angels on top. The reverse side of the icon depicts the Crucifixion. The two reverse sides under discussion are dated in ca. 1300 the first one and in the end of the 14th - early 15th century the second. At this end of this brief study there is an annex listing all the Byzantine bilateral icons that have so far been recorded.



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