Vol. 8 (2008)
Full Issue
Scientific articles & educational projects
Solution strategies on addition problems and meanful framework in teaching
Κωνσταντίνος Αντωνόπουλος (Konstantinos Antonopoulos), Παρασκευή Τσιούνη (Paraskevι Tsiouni), Κώστας Ζαχάρος (Kostas Zacharos)
Preschoolers' reading of environmental print: before and afterwards the application of directions of Cross Thematic Curriculum framework for nursery school
Ελένη Γκανά (Eleni Gana), Χριστίνα Δασκαγιάννη (Christina Daskagianni), Καφένια Μπότσογλου (Kafenia Mpotsoglou)
The pedagogical ideas of Dewey and Montessori in the light of contemporary educational practice
Μαρία Καμπεζά (Maria Kampeza)
The meaning of utterances during the transition from prelinguistic to linguistic communication: Evidence from two Greek-speaking children
Δήμητρα Κατή (Dimitra Kati), Αλεξάνδρα Καρούσου (Alexandra Karousou)
Plots for language development and interculturalism through drama
Άλκηστις Κοντογιάννη (Alkistis Kontogianni)
Fairy tale in Early Childhood Education: developing meaningful mathematics activities through a fairy tale
Τζένη Μωραϊτη (Tzeni Moraiti)
Play and computers in early childhood education
Κλεοπάτρα Νικολοπούλου (Kleopatra Nikolopoulou), Καλλιρρόη Παπαδοπούλου (Kalirroi Papadopoulou)
The psychological developmental research in the field of preschool education: International tendencies and the Greek research experience
Κωνσταντίνος Πετρογιάννης (Konstantinos Petrogiannis)
The emergence of reading/writing abilities with reference to differentiated kindergarten literacy practices
Ελένη Συκιώτη (Eleni Sikioti), Μαριάννα Κονδύλη (Marianna Kondili)