Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022)
An 'ecosystemic' perspective of the emerging challenges in the 21st-century school education-the case of the Greek state school
Μαρία Τζώτζου, Μαρία Πούλου, Θανάσης Καραλής, Αμαλία Υφαντή
Undergraduate students' academic procrastination: Its relationship with emotional intelligence and academic motivation
Αικατερίνη Βάσιου, Σταυρούλα Καλδή, Ευστάθιος Ξαφάκος
Investigation of Teachers' Expectations of Professional Development on Innovative Teaching Methods
Αθανάσιος Κωνσταντίνου Κούλης, Γεώργιος Μπαγάκης
Social Exclusion and Trainees with Immigrant or Refugee Backgrounds: An Empirical Survey of Second Chance Schools and Second Chance Schools that operate in Detention Centers
Νικόλαος Μπιτσάκος, Περσεφόνη Φώκιαλη, Kiriaki Sotiropoulou
Meta-analysis of the association of teachers' self-efficacy and job satisfaction
Ιωάννης Κατσαντώνης, Αργύριος Κατσαντώνης
Reflexivity and Work Orientations:
Findings from an Intervention Study with Career Counselors
Katerina Arguropoulou, Νικόλαος Μουράτογλου
What is a theme? Variations of thematic analysis in educational research
Perceptions and practices of primary school teachers regarding the management of the mental health of refugee children attending Structures for Refugees' Reception and Education
Μαρία Κωνσταντίνος Γαλάνη, Παναγιώτης Σταυρινίδης
Teachers' multicultural self-efficacy and its relationship with classroom management style
Charikleia Stavara, Αικατερίνη Λαμπροπούλου
Intercultural communication and inclusion of Roma children in education
Parents' opinion
Eleni Mousena, Georgia Aggelidou, Anastasia Vasilopoulou
Differentiations in the inplementation of educational changes. Teachers' opinions
Nikolaos Manesis, Fotini Theodorou